The Card Games People
March 19, 2020


March 18, 2020


March 17, 2020


March 16, 2020


March 14, 2020


March 12, 2020


March 27, 2019


March 10, 2019


July 04, 2018


Jack is back !!

New stock of Jack's Game has arrived and is available here:

November 12, 2017


Personalized Games (not customized games)

Personalized vs. Customized - why we do Personalization not Customization.

Our games are already printed, they're sitting in the warehouse and they're ready to go out to you. We have already done loads of work personalizing them, researching all kinds of info about the name, adding all manner of thoughtful personal touches and crafting them into the finished item: The utterly delightful gift ideas that they are.

This is a little different to the customization trend that can be found elsewhere online. By customization, we mean those items where you see the raw materials on screen and then you add details of your choice before the item is produced to order. That's not what happens on this site.

We get a lot of questions that go along the lines of "I have a neice by the name of [insert unusual name here], can you print up a game for her ?". No we can't! If she's got a really unusual name then there are all manner of gift ideas that names can be put on - from engraved glasses to clothing to jewellery and the list goes on and on. So why don't we do that ?

Our name games contain huge amounts of research about the relevant name. These are not games that just have a name printed on them because honestly, that's a bit underwhelming. Who wants to give a game that's going to be in the trash a few days later ? Our games are different, they will endure because we've spent hundreds of hours doing a superb job of personalizing these ever popular little card games. By putting so much or our time into the design and development of this games, we end up with a much higher quality product for you.

So in short, our games are professionally illustrated, extensively researched and provide a high level of personalization that a customized product can never match. Right now we cover the most popular names.

But what about that neice with the really unusual name ? Well we have a range of games personalized with first names and if her name isn't there then you can try our range of games that have been personalized with last names.

Still struggling ? Well we're adding new names all the time so how about joining our mailing list or following us on social media ? Then you'll get to hear about the new names as soon as they're released. We do the names in order of popularity and maybe we'll even get to that impossibly named neice eventually!